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LYT 10 - Super Session 1

Last updated Aug 15, 2023

Atlas/Maps/LYT 10 MOC

Topic: Cards/ACE Thought-Weaving Framework

Feedback 1

The prompts that resonated most with me came from the producer and the researcher. Here are some of my responses:

What does “achievement” look like in your work? In its most successful form, my work would be like a tapestry. I love being able to interweave different topics together into a form that anyone can process and appreciate (e.g. essay, video, artwork).

Where are you encountering things that spark/resonate? I am the type of person who can find inspiration anywhere…perhaps because I’m always open to it? I encounter things in my university classes, my online content stream (e.g. newsletters, RSS, Twitter), books, etc.

I spend most of my time in my PKM note-taking. I mainly take notes to process lessons from university classes and synthesize research for long-form writing. However, my note-taking is very disorganized; majority of my notes are long daily notes that could be broken down into more atomic ones. This is also where I’m getting stuck; I just find it so time-consuming to process my notes. I want to make this kind of note-taking (i.e. small, interconnected notes) more natural to me.