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Fakepixels - Newsletter

Last updated Aug 15, 2023

# Information

# Highlights

# Vol. 58: Dance me to the end of love

# Vol. 48: Good work done in defiance

# Vol. 47: We are, after all, children

# Vol. 46: This is us, forgetting

# Vol. 44: The pixel making of an American Dream

# Vol. 43: Do not fall asleep on the road

# Vol. 42: As we become the perfect storm

# Vol. 41: Meaning finding on the internet

# Vol. 40: A brave and startling truth

emergentsystemframework Emergent System Framework Takeaway: we need to coordinate more

# Vol. 39: Everybody wants to build the world

# Vol. 37: What if we forget about time

# Vol. 36: In a world that everything counts, everybody matters

# Vol. 34: on the first day of work

# Vol. 33: emotional capitalism and its discontents / future peeking thru a bot / 1k pushups a day / happiest job / ++


# Vol. 32:

# Vol. 31: interim

# Vol. 30: to hustle or not to hustle / where vices go / workout musings / ++

# Vol. 29: a special letter on post-grad crisis / more meaningful work convos? / taking down borders / ++

# Vol. 28: recalibrate success

# Vol. 27: ruined by design / arya stark slays / achieving ‘radical mutuality’ / ++

# Vol. 26: HELLO NYC / ez furnitures / ISAs / ++

# Vol. 25: being authentic, and the fear of selling out

# Vol. 24: learning the magic of life

# Vol. 23: v candid career advice / becoming thoughtful / space for escape / ++

# Vol. 22: story-telling is a luxury

# Vol. 20: living in dreams productively

# Vol. 19: this is between you and me

# Vol. 18: finding love through work

# Vol. 17: illusions of a college grad / a man must dream / bug books ++

# Vol. 16: lessons of being a bad leader

  1. Why are people in this group? What motivates them to join? If they don’t have an answer to those questions, I should at least share with them why I decided to do this thing.
  2. What are their metrics of progress? What are their superpowers? Are there tangible ways I can help them achieve those metrics by leveraging those superpowers? Is my assessment the same or different with theirs?
  3. Am I doing my best to get to the shared vision of the group? Am I spending too much time managing tasks than doing the work to get there?

# Vol. 15: driving with no windows / reframing progress / lone-wolf myth ++