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Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults

Last updated Aug 15, 2023

# Information

# Annotations


{"created":"2023-08-11T15:22:06.041Z","updated":"2023-08-11T15:22:06.041Z","document":{"title":"Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-DesignEliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design","link":[{"href":"urn:x-pdf:feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},{"href":""}],"documentFingerprint":"feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},"uri":"","target":[{"source":"","selector":[{"type":"TextPositionSelector","start":26278,"end":26495},{"type":"TextQuoteSelector","exact":"We wanted to use speculative methods to elicit thoughts and ideas on the future of technology and design. We were specifcally interested in how these young adults envisioned utopian futures of their local environment.","prefix":"or surrounding the arts engine. ","suffix":" Considering the need for social"}]}]}

%% %%PREFIX%%or surrounding the arts engine.%%HIGHLIGHT%% ==We wanted to use speculative methods to elicit thoughts and ideas on the future of technology and design. We were specifcally interested in how these young adults envisioned utopian futures of their local environment.== %%POSTFIX%%Considering the need for social %%LINK%%show annotation %%COMMENT%%




{"created":"2023-08-11T15:22:21.750Z","text":"For Filipino youth/technologists?","updated":"2023-08-11T15:22:21.750Z","document":{"title":"Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-DesignEliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design","link":[{"href":"urn:x-pdf:feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},{"href":""}],"documentFingerprint":"feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},"uri":"","target":[{"source":"","selector":[{"type":"TextPositionSelector","start":26711,"end":26810},{"type":"TextQuoteSelector","exact":"In what ways does co-design support the generation of ideas for a utopian future for Chicago youth?","prefix":"ollowing research questions: •  ","suffix":" 3 Action Projects are described"}]}]}

%% %%PREFIX%%ollowing research questions: •%%HIGHLIGHT%% ==In what ways does co-design support the generation of ideas for a utopian future for Chicago youth?== %%POSTFIX%%3 Action Projects are described %%LINK%%show annotation %%COMMENT%% For Filipino youth/technologists? %%TAGS%%



{"created":"2023-08-11T15:23:02.700Z","updated":"2023-08-11T15:23:02.700Z","document":{"title":"Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-DesignEliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design","link":[{"href":"urn:x-pdf:feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},{"href":""}],"documentFingerprint":"feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},"uri":"","target":[{"source":"","selector":[{"type":"TextPositionSelector","start":27094,"end":27228},{"type":"TextQuoteSelector","exact":"What are Chicago youth’s imagined utopian and dystopian futures and what is technology’s role in these utopian and dystopian futures? ","prefix":" 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan •  ","suffix":"•  How  might  design  fctions  "}]}]}

%% %%PREFIX%%8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan •%%HIGHLIGHT%% ==What are Chicago youth’s imagined utopian and dystopian futures and what is technology’s role in these utopian and dystopian futures?== %%POSTFIX%%• How might design fctions %%LINK%%show annotation %%COMMENT%%




{"created":"2023-08-11T15:23:10.784Z","text":"A more equitable technological future?","updated":"2023-08-11T15:23:10.784Z","document":{"title":"Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-DesignEliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design","link":[{"href":"urn:x-pdf:feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},{"href":""}],"documentFingerprint":"feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},"uri":"","target":[{"source":"","selector":[{"type":"TextPositionSelector","start":27231,"end":27380},{"type":"TextQuoteSelector","exact":"How  might  design  fctions  as  a  method  of  futuring  elicit new ideas that speak to Chicago youth’s concepts of a post-pandemic utopian reality?","prefix":"opian and dystopian futures? •  ","suffix":" •  How is speculative co-design"}]}]}

%% %%PREFIX%%opian and dystopian futures? •%%HIGHLIGHT%% ==How might design fctions as a method of futuring elicit new ideas that speak to Chicago youth’s concepts of a post-pandemic utopian reality?== %%POSTFIX%%• How is speculative co-design %%LINK%%show annotation %%COMMENT%% A more equitable technological future? %%TAGS%%



{"created":"2023-08-11T15:23:42.407Z","updated":"2023-08-11T15:23:42.407Z","document":{"title":"Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-DesignEliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design","link":[{"href":"urn:x-pdf:feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},{"href":""}],"documentFingerprint":"feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},"uri":"","target":[{"source":"","selector":[{"type":"TextPositionSelector","start":37674,"end":38019},{"type":"TextQuoteSelector","exact":"We employed content analysis to draw and analyze themes from the transcriptions. Storyboards, design scenarios, and design fctions were all analyzed through thematic analysis to identify themes [3]. We analyzed questionnaire results for descriptive data about our sample to understand a baseline of education, technology skills, and self-efcacy.","prefix":"wed against research questions. ","suffix":" We successfully recruited a tot"}]}]}

%% %%PREFIX%%wed against research questions.%%HIGHLIGHT%% ==We employed content analysis to draw and analyze themes from the transcriptions. Storyboards, design scenarios, and design fctions were all analyzed through thematic analysis to identify themes [3]. We analyzed questionnaire results for descriptive data about our sample to understand a baseline of education, technology skills, and self-efcacy.== %%POSTFIX%%We successfully recruited a tot %%LINK%%show annotation %%COMMENT%%




{"created":"2023-08-11T15:24:22.865Z","updated":"2023-08-11T15:24:22.865Z","document":{"title":"Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-DesignEliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design","link":[{"href":"urn:x-pdf:feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},{"href":""}],"documentFingerprint":"feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},"uri":"","target":[{"source":"","selector":[{"type":"TextPositionSelector","start":39723,"end":39940},{"type":"TextQuoteSelector","exact":"Three themes emerged from our analysis of utopian and dystopian futures: addressing social conditions in Chicago, returning to nor-mal social behaviors, and speculative technologies as metaphors of existing oppression","prefix":"f Utopian and Dystopian Futures ","suffix":". 5.1.1 Addressing Social Condit"}]}]}

%% %%PREFIX%%f Utopian and Dystopian Futures%%HIGHLIGHT%% ==Three themes emerged from our analysis of utopian and dystopian futures: addressing social conditions in Chicago, returning to nor-mal social behaviors, and speculative technologies as metaphors of existing oppression== %%POSTFIX%%. 5.1.1 Addressing Social Condit %%LINK%%show annotation %%COMMENT%%




{"created":"2023-08-11T15:34:00.018Z","text":"Perhaps could be done as a spring instead, [[One Week in the Future]] style","updated":"2023-08-11T15:34:00.018Z","document":{"title":"Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-DesignEliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design","link":[{"href":"urn:x-pdf:feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},{"href":""}],"documentFingerprint":"feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},"uri":"","target":[{"source":"","selector":[{"type":"TextPositionSelector","start":29589,"end":29678},{"type":"TextQuoteSelector","exact":"We held a total of six virtual design sessions, which lasted approx-imately 2 hours each.","prefix":"a analysis. 4.1 Design Sessions ","suffix":" We scheduled design sessions on"}]}]}

%% %%PREFIX%%a analysis. 4.1 Design Sessions%%HIGHLIGHT%% ==We held a total of six virtual design sessions, which lasted approx-imately 2 hours each.== %%POSTFIX%%We scheduled design sessions on %%LINK%%show annotation %%COMMENT%% Perhaps could be done as a spring instead, Sources/One Week in the Future style %%TAGS%%



{"created":"2023-08-11T15:37:44.220Z","text":"First ask the participants for their perceptions of utopias and dystopias, and how these apply to their local context","updated":"2023-08-11T15:37:44.220Z","document":{"title":"Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-DesignEliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design","link":[{"href":"urn:x-pdf:feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},{"href":""}],"documentFingerprint":"feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},"uri":"","target":[{"source":"","selector":[{"type":"TextPositionSelector","start":31501,"end":31705},{"type":"TextQuoteSelector","exact":"We  then  prompted students to identify their thoughts on elements that would be asso-ciated with dystopias and utopias. We asked students about these elements in the context of their Chicago environment.","prefix":"out  the  technologies  shown.  ","suffix":" For each prompt, students were "}]}]}

%% %%PREFIX%%out the technologies shown.%%HIGHLIGHT%% ==We then prompted students to identify their thoughts on elements that would be asso-ciated with dystopias and utopias. We asked students about these elements in the context of their Chicago environment.== %%POSTFIX%%For each prompt, students were %%LINK%%show annotation %%COMMENT%% First ask the participants for their perceptions of utopias and dystopias, and how these apply to their local context %%TAGS%%



{"created":"2023-08-11T15:49:02.741Z","text":"Then, ask them to envision a future for themselves, and for their environment. After that, make them work on storyboards, scenarios, and design concepts that visualize these futures","updated":"2023-08-11T15:49:02.741Z","document":{"title":"Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-DesignEliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design","link":[{"href":"urn:x-pdf:feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},{"href":""}],"documentFingerprint":"feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},"uri":"","target":[{"source":"","selector":[{"type":"TextPositionSelector","start":32703,"end":33348},{"type":"TextQuoteSelector","exact":"We then pro-vided prompts that focused on envisioning technologies that would speak to a utopian future in their neighborhood and city. Students then discussed considerations for technology design to support a utopian future, with the researcher using a virtual Miro white board to facilitate brainstorming. During the second session, DAP stu-dents plotted both an individual utopian future and a utopian future for their local environment. The third design session focused on introducing students to storyboarding and having them work col-laboratively to develop storyboards, scenarios, and design fctions to communicate their technology ideas.","prefix":"st in future utopian realities. ","suffix":" Each session concluded with stu"}]}]}

%% %%PREFIX%%st in future utopian realities.%%HIGHLIGHT%% ==We then pro-vided prompts that focused on envisioning technologies that would speak to a utopian future in their neighborhood and city. Students then discussed considerations for technology design to support a utopian future, with the researcher using a virtual Miro white board to facilitate brainstorming. During the second session, DAP stu-dents plotted both an individual utopian future and a utopian future for their local environment. The third design session focused on introducing students to storyboarding and having them work col-laboratively to develop storyboards, scenarios, and design fctions to communicate their technology ideas.== %%POSTFIX%%Each session concluded with stu %%LINK%%show annotation %%COMMENT%% Then, ask them to envision a future for themselves, and for their environment. After that, make them work on storyboards, scenarios, and design concepts that visualize these futures %%TAGS%%



{"created":"2023-08-11T15:53:12.212Z","text":"This could be the review session, where participant takes in feedback from researcher? Then modifies their artifact after this","updated":"2023-08-11T15:53:12.212Z","document":{"title":"Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-DesignEliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design","link":[{"href":"urn:x-pdf:feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},{"href":""}],"documentFingerprint":"feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},"uri":"","target":[{"source":"","selector":[{"type":"TextPositionSelector","start":33959,"end":34593},{"type":"TextQuoteSelector","exact":"session 4 students refned the scenarios they wrote about their en-visioned technology and developed design fctions. For this session researchers structured activities for all DAP students to work col-laboratively to envision details of their ideas and what it would look like for their technologies to exist in both our current reality and a speculated utopian future. In the ffth design session researchers went into a deeper discussion of co-design and participatory design and continued to engage students in collaborative storyboarding where students built of of one another’s design fctions, intertwin-ing their technology ideas.","prefix":"ington and Tawanna R. Dillahunt ","suffix":" Again, we concluded each sessio"}]}]}

%% %%PREFIX%%ington and Tawanna R. Dillahunt%%HIGHLIGHT%% ==session 4 students refned the scenarios they wrote about their en-visioned technology and developed design fctions. For this session researchers structured activities for all DAP students to work col-laboratively to envision details of their ideas and what it would look like for their technologies to exist in both our current reality and a speculated utopian future. In the ffth design session researchers went into a deeper discussion of co-design and participatory design and continued to engage students in collaborative storyboarding where students built of of one another’s design fctions, intertwin-ing their technology ideas.== %%POSTFIX%%Again, we concluded each sessio %%LINK%%show annotation %%COMMENT%% This could be the review session, where participant takes in feedback from researcher? Then modifies their artifact after this %%TAGS%%



{"created":"2023-08-11T15:59:05.889Z","text":"Perhaps I can make a website that showcases the final artifacts? then promote them on my social media?","updated":"2023-08-11T15:59:05.889Z","document":{"title":"Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-DesignEliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design","link":[{"href":"urn:x-pdf:feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},{"href":""}],"documentFingerprint":"feb3a75e3e7bedd28ad2ce2fddc026c1"},"uri":"","target":[{"source":"","selector":[{"type":"TextPositionSelector","start":34707,"end":35114},{"type":"TextQuoteSelector","exact":"We designed the fnal session so that participants could share their ideas and strategize potential ways to visually share ideas to a larger audience. To have impact beyond the research, Art Incubator researchers and staf brainstormed ways to share design session outcomes through a social media campaign that might showcase DAP student activities and contribute positive narratives of Chicago’s South Side. ","prefix":". 4.1.4 Session 6: Report Out.  ","suffix":"4.2 Speculative Probes 4.2.1 Co-"}]}]}

%% %%PREFIX%%. 4.1.4 Session 6: Report Out.%%HIGHLIGHT%% ==We designed the fnal session so that participants could share their ideas and strategize potential ways to visually share ideas to a larger audience. To have impact beyond the research, Art Incubator researchers and staf brainstormed ways to share design session outcomes through a social media campaign that might showcase DAP student activities and contribute positive narratives of Chicago’s South Side.== %%POSTFIX%%4.2 Speculative Probes 4.2.1 Co- %%LINK%%show annotation %%COMMENT%% Perhaps I can make a website that showcases the final artifacts? then promote them on my social media? %%TAGS%%
