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The McDonaldization od Education - the rise of slow - Literature Notes

Last updated Aug 15, 2023

See Sources/The McDonaldization of Education - the rise of slow - Essay #literaturenotes

# Notes

"Cards/The cult of speed"


McDonaldization of Education

Cards/The Slow movement

Cards/The Slow movement for education

So what is the bottom-line of the slow education movement? ✓ We ==abolish== the busy, controlling, aggressive, hurried, analytical, stressed, superficial, impatient, quantity-over-quality ==education environment== that prevails today. ✓ We educate parents and communities about the ==risks of today’s current model==, including the drawbacks of “edubusiness.” ✓ We ==create learning environments== that are carefully crafted, receptive, still, intuitive, unhurried, patient, reflective, quality-over-quantity and engaging. ✓ We develop curriculum that has ==greater depth than breadth.== ✓ We make sure our curriculum takes into account ==local culture== and celebrates the uniqueness of our ==local community.== ✓ We don’t isolate skills development but ==let students grow their skills== as they engage with important content. Cards/Critical thinking and skill development are not mutually exclusive ✓ We construct learning environments that ==foster questioning, creativity and innovation==, such as the maker movement and project/problem based learning. Cards/Problem-based learning ✓ We find the courage to have serious discussions about ==abolishing standardized testing, classroom marks and grading, and the use of “birth year” as our primary criterion for sorting students.== ✓ We ==lobby our governments for funds== to assure true equality in education for all children. ✓ We ==discontinue the ranking== of teachers and schools. ✓ We ==replace our egg-carton grades with flexible, personalized learning== that takes into account when students are ready to engage in and acquire important skills. ✓ We ==make time for teacher collaboration== a top priority. ✓ We expect all classrooms to ==connect students globally== so they can learn from others around the world and apply what they learn in their own communities through meaningful projects and service. ✓ We ==make student voice and choice an integral part== of everyday teaching and learning.

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