Do Design - Literature Notes
# Notes
#literaturenotes See Sources/Do Design - Book
Cards/Salve corpus amanti (save the lover’s body): the experience of seeing with your eyes but “experiencing it emotionally and viscerally as with ==ecstasy== and with a sense of ==total unity and oneness.==”
salve corpus amanti, literally translated as ‘save the lover’s body’.
We need to understand that humanity is a living system too, deeply interconnected with nature’s systems. We all ride flows of matter, energy and information. So it is absurd to persist in refusing to see our world as being interconnected, attempting to describe it instead as a place to be managed like numbers on an Excel spreadsheet, devoid of meaning, context, community and history. This could be our downfall.
How can we get to creating a world that feels a little more beautiful? The world that all those astronauts realised was the right one as they experienced their salve corpus amanti? The answer: We need to think about the purpose of the work we do and how we serve to create a more restorative life – whatever that looks like. We need to dedicate ourselves to becoming craftspeople, strong in ourselves, innately curious about the world we live in and how we can contribute to making it better.
Questioning beauty takes us from thinking about ==surface impressions to core foundations.==
the question of beauty takes us away from the surfaces to thinking about the core foundations of things.
Cards/All useful things should be beautiful.
all useful things should also be beautiful. God, as architect Mies van der Rohe said, was in the details and, you never know, an angel may come one day and sit on that chair – it had to be worthy of such an event.
Cards/The limits of our language are the limits of our world.
- if you cannot describe a new destination, you will never get there.
the limits of our language are the limits of our world. A new language enables us to make the transition from where we are now, to where we need to get to. It lets us leap disciplinary boundaries. If we can’t describe it, then we struggle to make it.
Our ==guiding philosophy== is our navigational compass. Without it, we lose sight of our humanity, then our potential.
But without a guiding philosophy, we end up stripping away our navigational compass and losing sight first of our humanity, then our potential.
Commitment gives you ==freedom.==
To bring great stillness into one’s work means one can truly commit to its execution and most beautiful realisation. It is commitment, Tashi says, that gives you freedom.
The important characteristics of craftsmanship are ==integrity and empathy.==
important characteristics of craftsmanship: a granite-like integrity and a deep empathy for the world around him.
Language is important because of its ==ability to shape the way we see and act in the world.==
- importance of language: its ability to uplift us, or to shape the way we see and therefore act in the world.
By bringing the subject and observer together, ==empathy broadens our horizons==, allowing us to create works with truth and beauty.
by removing the distance between subject and observer, empathy gifts us a huge depth of field. It allows us to create works of great truth and great beauty.
Cards/The greatest enemy of creative success is the attempt to fortify against failure.
‘The greatest enemy of creative success is the attempt to fortify against failure.’
Work on your creation until ==people cannot imagine it existing any other way.==
labour at your work until people cannot imagine what you have designed existing any other way. Beauty is work well resolved. It is simple.
Art endures because it ==speaks to our senses.==
Why does art endure? Because it always one way or another speaks directly to our senses.
Design is about thinking of how someone will use something. Great design works towards the ==best experience for them.==
Design is based upon resolving how someone is going to use something. Great design is describing the very best experience for them, then moving towards that ideal.
Feelings help ==filter== towards the ==truth.==
‘Feel’ is an important filtering system towards truth.
Openness is a ==cultural== and ==mutual design tool.==
Openness is a design tool offering new organisational, social and commercial capability. Openness is cultural – being open to new ideas. Openness is mutual – the sharing and redistribution of knowledge, information, data resources and wealth.
==Time is earthed.==
Some things can take the time they need. Not the time you think they need. Time, like the hedge, is earthed.
Investing in your passion is costly, but its ==ROI is personal satisfaction==, along with ==nurturing spirit== in others.
Investing in loving what you do always costs time, money, and sometimes the odd scar and bruise. It repays that love with personal satisfaction, and in turn it inspires, guides and nurtures the spirit in others.