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Last updated Aug 15, 2023

# Discerning Life Questions

#DLQ10 #religion #spirituality

# The Book of Job

# “Everything happens for a reason”

# Jesus’ Context

Immersing in a Pool (Jesus is Human)

I miss swimming! (Believe it or not, yes I do swim!) I want to use this as an image to describe what I think the appropriate response to suffering is. It will then lead us to a timeless Christian theological question: Who is Jesus? From here on, we will observe the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as a way of looking at how we can deal with suffering in this world.

Are Crowns Still a Thing? (The Kingdom of God)

We will talk about whether or not “kingdoms” are still relevant today and why Jesus seems to be promoting one. And what does this have to do with suffering?

# Jesus Before Christianity

# Suffering - From “A Sacred Voice is Calling”

# Ministry to a Hopeless Man

# Supplementary Lecture

# Biology of Science Fiction

#BIO21i #biology #sciencefiction


# Ecology: Actual and Speculative World-Building

Points for Discussion

  1. Explain in your own words the relationship between ecology and evolution.
  2. For each of the four levels of ecology, give an illustrative example from one of our texts in this course.
  3. What for you is the most critical ecological problem that the Earth is facing now? Why? Is there any way that science fiction can help us approach that problem?

# Political Ecology

# Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind: Post-Apocalypse

You know what else doesn’t need to be fully explained (but it would be cool)? Your possible answers to these discussion prompts! Answer any or all.

  1. How does the Ohmu’s design impact the plot and discourse of Nausicaä? Does it matter that they are kaiju, bugs, or kaiju bugs?
  2. Discuss Nausicaä’s relationship with the Ohmu and how it develops throughout the film. How does it compare to the relationship between the Ohmu and the rest of humanity?
  3. If you had to name the baby Ohmu (if you’ve watched the film, you know the one), what would you name it and why?
  4. What sorts of organisms seem to have survived the ravaging of nature in this film’s setting? From what we know of the real-life biology of their current counterparts (presumably their ancestors), why does this make sense?

Ron’s Notes:

# Alimuom: I Need Some Space

  1. What aspects of Philippine society do you see reflected in Alimuom? How have they been hyperbolized, and why do you think they have been hyperbolized in this way?
  2. What do you make of how the film ends? Why do you think Diwata makes the choices she makes, and do you agree with them? Why or why not?
  3. Alimuom is really, really horny. What’s up with that?

# Planet-Size X-Men: Here Comes Tomorrow

Discussion Points

  1. Did you have a favorite part of this story?
  2. Talk about the Arakki vis-a-vis the Krakoans. What differences and similarities did you notice with regard to their culture, their powers, or their appearances? Did you think these were significant from a thematic perspective?
  3. How did reading this comic make you feel?

# Dune: May His Passing Cleanse The World

Discussion Points

  1. Pick a faction involved in Dune and talk about them. What is their stake in Arrakis? What do the planet and the spice mean to them? How do they behave in relation to each other?
  2. Discuss the desert as a sign. What meanings does the desert signify, in Dune and in other texts as well? What then do we associate with water (and its absence), and with the spice?
  3. What does the sandworm signify?
  4. Discuss how the evolutionary arms race plays out on Arrakis.

# “Microbiota and the Masses”: Remediation

Discussion  Points

  1. Talk about one facet of Moena’s identity and how it relates to her personal biome, health, and research.
  2. Talk about Rahul and how he acts as a foil to Moena and to Lake Agada itself.
  3. Do you agree (with Ron) that terraforming is also an act of hope? Why or why not?

# Creature Spotlight: Sentient Ecosystems

Discussion Points

  1. What is the importance of the ship-users’ goal to the text and what it is trying to communicate? Why does it matter that this, specifically, is what they’ve come to this world to do?
  2. Semiotically, how does a living ecosystem differ as a narrative device from a “normal” character who has total control of nature?
  3. What do you think “Process” is saying about ecology, or people, or both?