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Last updated Aug 15, 2023

# Biology of Science Fiction

#BIO21i #biology #sciencefiction

# On Human Evolution and Speciation

# The Time Machine

# Possible Avenues for Human Speciation

# Points for Discussion

  1. Discuss human evolution and disease in the context of the Evolutionary Arms Race.
  2. What do you imagine will be a specific transhumanist trajectory that will result in the origination of new descendant species from Homo sapiens?
  3. What type of speciation will likely result from intergalactic diaspora?
  4. What do you think are other ways by which H. sapiens can give rise to a new species?
  5. How likely do you think The Time Machine’s speculation of the future humans is?

# Star Trek (“The Chase”) - Image and Likeness

So, game–let’s look at what’s going on here. Respond to any of the following questions!

  1. From a storytelling perspective, why do you think the program had to be encoded in DNA? What does this do for the ideas the story is trying to forward?
  2. What assumptions did the precursors have about the life that would come after them? Based on the actions of the various characters and factions in the episode, do you think they were right?
  3. Professor Galen says the discovery he’s working on will shake galactic civilization to its core. Let’s say this knowledge becomes widespread in the Star Trek universe. What do you think will happen? (You don’t need to invoke any extra Star Trek knowledge beyond what’s in this episode, but Trekkies, if you’d like to geek out, you absolutely can.)

So! Discussion questions; as usual, answer any or all.

  1. If the novum of the sensate superpower uses telepathy and mind-linking as the signifier, what exactly is being signified? What concept or capability is being heightened and hyperbolized to create the sensate experience?
  2. Do you have a favorite sensate? If so, fanboy/fangirl/fanperson over them for a bit. (Mark spoilers if you’ve seen episodes other than the one we’ve given you. But also help us convince your classmates to watch this show.)
  3. If sensates were real, would you want to be one? Why or why not? (Assume no shadowy sensate-hunting organization exists.)
  4. Discuss the potential of sensates for speciation.

# The Time Machine - The End of Humanity

But for now, let’s do some reading. Feel free to answer any or all!

  1. How are the Eloi and the Morlocks coded in relation to each other? How does this shape our perceptions of them and the kinds of people they represent?
  2. How is the conflict between the Eloi and the Morlocks rendered? What statements is the text making using this conflict? (And do you agree?)
  3. Could there be an alternative explanation for where the Eloi and/or the Morlocks came from? If so, how would that change your reading of their interactions?
  4. Fan-fiction time! Make up your own story on how Homo sapiens speciated into the Eloi and the Morlocks. What were the major evolutionary forces that led to this split? Bonus question: do you think there are remnants of the original H. sapiens species somewhere in this future world?

# Crimes of the Future - Surgery Is The New Sex

Discussion time! You know the drill.

  1. Why is the mutation of the boy from the beginning of the movie significant?
  2. Why are the government and the evolutionists at odds? What does this conflict represent in context of the setting?
  3. This film is horny as shit. It also deliberately conflates intimacy and sensuality with concepts such as mutilation, surgery, and pain. What do you think it accomplishes by doing this? What is it trying to say, and is it working for you?