# Thesis
# Advisor Notes
# 9/12/22
# Feedback
- Title: Currently, does not define or hint what “Collaboratively Imagining” would entail. Consider a more effective title for a future version. Also, promises a collaboration.
- How is Afrofuturism constructed? What are its foundations?
- Questions of curation and power of curating.
- Collaboration would entail human participants.
- Questions of how it becomes Filipino Futurism.
- Collective worldbuilding: see Relational Aesthetics. Questions of tension between “collective national dream” and propaganda/ideology.
- Formulate your questions/objectives soon.
- Decide what specific frameworks to use.
# Notes to Self
- You learned about foresight before in your Interdisciplinary Approaches to Creativity and Innovation Class: Miscellaneous Notes/Daily Notes/2020-12-08