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Last updated Aug 15, 2023

# Sloww


“A good philosophy is like a good diet. A good diet requires good ingredients, good recipes, good balance … We need a post-consumerist philosophy of new ingredients, new recipes…” — Jacob Lund Fisker


“The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.” — Henry David Thoreau (Walden)

Cards/Everything has a cost

# Farnam Street

Often what seems like an expensive solution is a cheap solution (in the long run) and what seems like a cheap solution is very expensive (in the long run).

Cards/Every purchase is a bargain

# Metaphors

ideas as food: “raw facts”, “half-baked ideas”, “swallow that claim”, “spoon-feed our students”, “meaty part of the paper”, “that idea has been fermenting for years”

ideas as people: “the theory of relativity gave birth to an enormous number of ideas”, “whose brainchild was that”, “those ideas died off in the middle ages”, “cognitive psychology is in its infancy“

ideas as products: “we’ve generated a lot of ideas this week”, “it needs to be refined”, “his intellectual productivity has decreased in recent years”

ideas as commodities: “he won’t buy that”, “that’s a worthless idea”, “she has valuable ideas”

ideas as resources: “he ran out of ideas”, “let’s pool our ideas”, “that idea will go a long way“

ideas as cutting instruments: “that’s an incisive idea”, “that cuts right to the heart of the matter”, “he’s sharp“

ideas as fashions: “that idea went out of style years ago”, “marxism is fashionable in western europe”, “berkeley is a center of avant-garde thought”, “semiotics has become quite chic“

# SocSci 13


Envrironments full of trash

“The future of plastics is in the trash can”

Gap in covrage when it came to front end Not as many people telling the story of WHERE it comes from Who’s making the plastics in the first place and why? -> Oil companies

Plastics were initially a waste product (e.g. tupperware) For human betterment? (throwaway living)

Plastics industry embraces “buy more” after Great Depression was initially hailed as biggest innovation due its durability

Impossible to manage in the first place Waste lowers life expectancy

60-40 percentage of plstic caught (in PH fish) 40% plastic

91 % of plastic has never been recycled Most plastic is VERY HARD to recycle most litter, or are incernated, or go into landfills 2% is effectively recycled; the worse are downcycled

FMCGs tying to convince them that their packaging is environemtnally friendly China dealing with all the trash Recycling as the solution, that puts all the responsibiltiy on China until the National Sword ban

Citizens not to blame, instead resposnibility should be on macroinstitutions like corporations Other countries don’t have the capacity to deal with the trash

Trash from all over the world

This is about survival This is affecting our ecosystem, our community

Invention of sachets: sustainability shouldn’t be the burden of those who can’t afford to think about it (e.g. the poor) Nick Joaquin: tingi culture is pro-poor

Billionares are complicit in this crisis Poor health (e.g. defects) are consequences of the chemicals coming from pollution