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Last updated Aug 15, 2023

# December 18, 2020


Sources/Interdisciplinary Approaches to Creation & Innovation - Class

# Creativity as Revision

#innovation #creativity

In the first module, we established how it is a ==natural inclination of all us humans to be creative.== Chapters from The Runaway Species: How Human Creativity Remakes the World and related YouTube videos featuring the book’s authors helped us appreciate this.

In the second module, we established that ==creativity is contextualized and that it is bound by space and time.== Tools like STEEP analysis, Futures Triangle, and causal layered analysis equip us with frameworks that allow us to take a subject, object, or phenomenon of interest and identify all the factors that contributed to their coming into fruition, while allowing us to also project into the future and anticipate forthcoming realities.

In this third module, we will establish that ==creativity is a process of revision.== From this assertion, we can proceed analytically (ie, we can trace back what current realities are an evolution of), and we can also proceed in terms of actualizing the process of creativity (ie, practicing creativity by revising an existing reality).

# Bending as a mode of revision

# Breaking as a mode of revision

# Blending as a mode of revision

Revisionist history project ideas: