# October 8, 2020
# IDES 101.03
Sources/Information Architecture - Class
- What is the importance of empathy in Human-Centered Design Framework?
- This additional method of engaging with consumers found in your readings, has 5 factors that drive overall user experience. Understanding the 5 factors of a user in a structured way will give researchers a rich, deeper understanding of the experience of a that user. List 3 of those factors.
- What should you not include in your Personas? Why?
FOR 1.
- From 101 Design Methods
- Empathy is part of the mode of Know People
- “If we make a deep, direct emotional connection with end users’ needs, we will be in a far better position to develop new ideas in tune with the customer”
- design thinking bootcamp bootleg
- Empathy is the foundation of human centered design. The problems you’re trying to solve are rarely your own, they’re those of particular users. Build empathy for your users by learning their values.
FOR 2.
- From 101 Design Methods
- - Studying physical, cognitive, social, cultural, and emotional factors that drive overall user experience Physical: How do people experience their physical interaction with things and 235 other people? What do they touch, push, pull, open, close, lift, carry, control, and so forth? Cognitive: How do people associate meanings to things they interact with? What are the various interactions that require people to think? What do they read, research, process, assess, and decide? Social: How do people behave in teams or in socialsettings? How do they formally and informally interact, make decisions, coordinate actions, make schedules, and work together? Cultural: How do people experience shared norms, habits, and values? What, if any, shared values seem present? How are they manifest? Emotional: How do people experience their feelings and thoughts? What in the environment is triggering these emotions? Are people sad, aggravated, frustrated, or happy?
FOR 3. Do not include any personal information from research participants. The persona is supposed to be a representative user, and not a real person.
# SocSci
Sources/SocSci 12 - Class
Globalization is an expression of modernity expanding. Kimura talks about three views about globalization: the externalist, the generative, and alternative. Explain the alternative.
- What is the alternative view? What are the core claims of this view?
- Present a case that illustrates this view of globalization eand explain how the alternative view is related to your case.
Alternative: the relationship of Asia Pacific and South Asia = regional alternative to globalization. Core claims:
- consciously defined to resist external forces a.k.a. global/Western powers
- discourse of globalization resonates with many in the region (most countries colonized by Western countries
- prevalence of Asian exceptionalism in both past and present times
How this view manifests:
- Japanese colonialism
- push back against Western imperialism
- example propaganda: “Asia for Asiatics”; need to “liberate” nation from Europe
- The “Sphere” was constructed in opposition to the West
- Popularization of Asian values
- Asia prefers harmony and consensus over majority rule
- This is in contrast to Western concepts like individual rights and democracy
- Regional arrangements
- Institutions that are exclusively and consciously “Asian”, such as the East Asia Economic Caucus (EAEC)
- Emergence of regional terror networks
- goal of these terror networks is to scale globally
- have an alternate vision of political and social organization in the region, clashing with globalization
- e.g. Jemaah Islamiyah
- Emergence of local movements
- not exclusive to Asia Pacific and South Asia, but characteristic of trends there
- e.g. community currency created for self-sufficiency
- IRL example of this ^: The village of Santi Suk created their own currency after the Asian financial crisis
- eschews global capitalism