# September 4, 2020
# IDES 101.03
#design #information Sources/Information Architecture - Class
# Information Architecture - Content
# 1. How do we collect our content?
Collect and audit your data
- not just words; also images, video, audio, downloads, files, etc.
- ==Content inventory==: comprehensive list of all content in your site. usually done in a spreadsheet
- Types:
- Full Inventory
- Partial Inventory
- Content Sample
- Types:
# 2. How do we understand our content better?
Review and understand your data
- Type of Information to Collect:
- Address
- Page Title
- Page Template
- Content Type
- Notes
- Taxonomy
- how information is grouped, classified, and labelled
- Status
- Dates
- Components
- ==Facet==: particular aspect/feature of something that you can use to classify something. The more facets something has, the more ways it can be organized.
- E.G. Phones
- Network
- Launch
- Body
- Display
- Platform
- Memory
- Main Camera
- E.G. Phones
- ==Content Audit==: evaluation of inventoried content based on user needs and site goals
- Criteria:
- User Needs:
- Interviews:
- Surveys
- Stories
- Testing
- Site Goals:
- Briefs
- Interviews
- Workshops
- Landscape
- User Needs:
- Criteria Questions:
- User Needs:
- Is it necessary for the user?
- What does it provide the user?
- How does this content add to the user’s overall site experience?
- Site Goals:
- Are there opportunities to push for donating?
- During your engagement with the content, did you notice anything?
- What are your impressions of the narrative experience?
- User Needs:
- Criteria:
# 3. How do we organize content?
Explore how the data can be organized
- ==Organization Schemes==: how types of information are classified and relationships are created between them
- Types:
- Exact Schemes: objective divisions between mutually exclusive information
- Subjective Schemes: information categorized based on specific mental models
- Types:
# Exact Schemes
- Alphabetical: alphabetical order. useful if users already know what they’re looking for
- E.G. Index, Find a Service, Countries List
- Geographical: when content or information is classified based on the origin of content
- E.G. Choose your country
- Format: classification of content based on its form (i.e. photos, videos, reports, case studies)
- E.G. Trending Videos section
- Chronological: organized content by date. useful for giving context for events and importance to recency.
- E.G. Timeline, Publication feed
# Subjective Schemes
- Topic: when content is organized based on a particular subject matter. useful in grouping like content based on topics that the organization covers.
- E.G. University majors
- Task: based on a user’s needs and the actions they take to reach their goal
- E.G. Facebook feed; immediately shown writing post
- Audience: organizing content based on user profiles. useful when there are clear + speciic identifiers for your audiences
- E.G. Netflix Profiles
- Metaphor: relates content groups to familiar concepts. Mostly used in apps but can harm the organization if not properly implemented
- E.G. Folders
- Priority: based on importance of content to organization/audience
- E.G. Hero Statement