Last updated
Aug 15, 2023
# Reference
# Notes
- Embraces the ==polarizing== nature of humanity by allowing opposites to coexist
- basically like a ==pendulum==; constant ==oscillation==
- In comparison to other philosophies:
- Modernism: maximalist + optimistic; “Make it new!”; creators want to be godlike and make hsitory
- Postmodernism: skeptical + disillusioned; no longer believe in a universal reality
- Metamodernism is basically the Cards/Sweet Spot between these two philosophies
- associated with not just the Age of the Internet, but the ==Age of the Online Creator==
- E.G. fanfiction, remixes, memes, vlogging
- Creators should be Metamodernists (see Miscellaneous Notes/Literature Notes/Fakepixels - Literature Notes Vol.58)

# Sources