"Abductive thematic analysis"
Last updated
Dec 22, 2023
# Reference
# Notes
# Process
- Transcription and Familiarization
- Coding
- 1st round: highlight every single point of significance
- 2nd round: more selective; consolidate similar codes under single headings + remove insignificant codes
- Creation of codebook
- Could be established, developed, and tested prior to a 3rd round of coding
- Elements:
- Label
- Definition
- Criteria for when to use + when not to use
- Example
- Can be applied in a final round of coding to look at each highlighted (coded) phrase and see if it is a good representation of the code
- Development of themes
- Codes are specific and concise, while themes can be much more complex and can consolidate a multitude of codes to theoretically explain phenomena
- Theorizing