Education MOC
Passion and purpose! Will tackle metalearning, edtech, systems surrounding education, etc.
Related MOCs:
- Atlas/Maps/School MOC: notes from my school subjects
- Atlas/Maps/Courses MOC: notes from external courses
Permanent Notes:
- Concepts:
- Cards/Constructionism
- Cards/Critical pedagogy
- Cards/Popular education
- Cards/Banking model of education
- Cards/Praxis
- Cards/Problem-based learning
- Cards/Higher-order skills
- Cards/Liberal education
- Cards/Vocational education
- Cards/The State Change Method
- Cards/Interactive processing
- Cards/Interleaving learning
- Cards/Socratic method
- Theses:
- Cards/Education lives within a system of domination and liberation
- Cards/The goal of education is transformation
- Cards/Teachers are facilitators
- Cards/Educators are embodied subjects
- Cards/Digital learning exacerbates and reproduces inequality
- Cards/The object of true education is to make people
- Cards/Critical thinking and skill development are not mutually exclusive
- Cards/More access does not translate to more engagement
- Cards/Willpower and motivation is finite