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Last updated Aug 15, 2023

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# Notes


# Outline of Concepts

# MODULE 1: Mapping the Journey: Developing a Discerning Sensibility

# Module 1A

The Fundamentals of Discernment

  1. Cards/Problem versus Mystery
  2. Cards/Absolute Certainty versus Wonder
  3. Cards/Order and Chaos
  4. Cards/Perfectionism
  5. Cards/Desire


Ignatian Discernment

  1. Cards/The First Principle and Foundation
  2. Cards/Discernment
  3. Cards/Consolation
  4. Cards/Desolation
  5. Cards/Disordered attachments

# MODULE 2: Journeying Inward: Knowing and Accepting One’s Self

Who am I?

  1. Cards/Tangibles
  2. Cards/The Divided Life
  3. Cards/Brokenness
  4. Cards/The False Self
  5. Cards/Self-rejection

# MODULE 3: Journeying Forward: The Call to a Loving Life

**What is my purpose?

  1. Cards/Pusillanimity
    1. Self-love/Narcissism
    2. Cards/False Humility
    3. Cards/Ressentiment
  2. Cards/Maganimity
    1. Antifragility

# MODULE 4: Journeying to the Unknown: Hope as a Response to Suffering

**How do I bring hope?

  1. Suffering

# Epilogue: Food for the Journey

Sayang - Pabaon Lecture

# List of Materials

  1. Module 1
    1. Part 1 - Living Your Questions: Sources/The Need for Certainty
    2. Part 2 - The Basics of Discernment:
      1. Sources/The Components of Any Choice
      2. Sources/The Flying Spaghetti Monster, Aristotle, and Fernando Amorsolo (A 2-part lecture on God)
    3. Part 3 - The Dynamics of Discernment:
      1. Sources/What Should I Do
      2. Sources/Inner Compass
  2. Module 2
    1. Part 1 - The Divided Life
      1. Sources/Images of Integrity - Across the Great Divide
      2. Sources/Being the Beloved
      3. Sources/Henri Nouwen on Brokenness
    2. Part 2 - A Life of Wholeness
      1. Authenticity
  3. Module 3
    1. Part 1 - Pusillanimity
      1. The Challenge to Love
    2. Part 2 - Maganimity
      1. Sources/Expanding the Shrunken Soul
  4. Module 4
    1. Part 1 - The Mystery of Suffering
      1. The Book of Job
      2. Sources/Everything Happens for a Reason - and Other Lies I Have Loved
    2. Part 2 - The Response to Suffering
      1. Immersing in a Pool / Are Crowns Still a Thing (Jesus’ Context)
      2. Sources/Jesus Before Christianity
      3. Sources/Suffering - The Call of a Wounded Healer (Supplementary Material 1)
    3. Part 3 - Hope
      1. Ministry to a Hopeless Man
      2. Sources/Finding Hope When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned (Supplementary Material 2)